Thursday, January 15, 2009
update lah!!!Since joanna say i long time never update den i shall update abit about my life...
~now attachment left one month and there were many thing to do after my attachment, FYP is around the corner, hope i can do a good job... hoong soon left GE and another new intern from NUS, huiren, jus report to work this week... haha... he is learning very well under my training... whahahahahaha~~~~
~den mcdonald i choose to say nothing ba... ever since HY, john, siva etc left, my life in mac is sux man... new manager like to back stab each other... what i can say is useful manager transfer out and those rubbish manager transfer in... jus work until NS den left for good...
~Last month i went for the first check up at CMPB, they have a lot of section to test u on different thing... First Section is photo taking
Next section is take your blood sample
next is eye test
next is hearing test
next is check your teeth
next is x-ray your bone
next is "ball ball" check
next is measure height and weight
next is measure blood pressure
next is got one device put on your chest and it will "suck" onto your skin, don know for what
lastly is IQ test, ask u some stupid question and silly math question
~*might be in diff order for diff people
~den two days ago i got another letter for second check up again at hendon camp... i have been going around asking about it and below is the summary(might not be 100% true and 100% false)
information from diff channel...
~First check up is a must for ALL at CMPB
most people don have second check up letter
those onli have first check up most likely is go for BMT
if have another check up depend is u go where for second check up
go back CMPB for check up maybe your boby have some problem and they wan to check again
if go to any of the camp site for second check up mean the camp need to see if u can enter their camp anot, 90% of the time the camp u went for second check up is your furture camp.
get it?
another nightmare....
that scare the hell out of me...
hendon camp is a commando camp...
Friday, January 2, 2009
YES!!! TWISTER FRIES IS BACK!!!I had been looking forward for twister fries man... working in mcdonald for five years, the onli food i like is mcwing, spicy, macpeper, corn pie and twister fries. Spicy is out of my fav because they have change their patty and the new one taste SUX... macpepper and corn pie is very old product they sold years ago, don think they will put it back on sale again... so i left with mcwing and twister...
~so mcwing is the onli food i eat when i working, but meiyi don really like the idea i always eat mcwing(as u can see in the tag box, LOL). so now is twister fries, whahahahaha...

twister fries

i guess white rabbit candy everyone will know if YOU HAVE CHILDHOOD
but ever since because of china milk it has been banned
but the news also say u need to eat around 48 a day of it den unhealth
who the hell will eat 48 a day???
but jus now the news reported it is going to put on sheft again
u dare to eat?
i dare
cos i love it!

anyway can read the text?
so fast five years had passed
a lot of things had happen in this five years in mac
got good and bad
but one thing for sure
i wun come back as a full time manager after NS
it is quite hard to support your family with the pay
i rather work in chemical line which pay a lot more
and also i hate dealing with customer

well after 5 years they onli give a key chain
other company give u money de lor...
onli this key chain...
if u r the one getting it...
u wan money or this key chain?

this wan is my boss give de
for x'mas..
oh oh oh