Friday, October 31, 2008
this wed went to one of the plant in mirconwhen walk pass one of the blk
white patch all over glass
guess what???
think someone grow them
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Chest hot hotShe is complaining that i never blog about her... LOL... She is having her pain now, cos her "zi hui" tooth coming out... whahahahahahahahahaha... now den have zi hui... den still the same like to act cute alot... LOL... me is natural cute and she is act cute... ~anyway this morning when i was dosing chemical, i kanna my chest sia... now one whole patch red red de... a bit hot hot and pain pain... the chemical i dose is like acid sia (pH3), no wonder so power... make my chest so pain...
~went to sport hall play sport with GE people today... LOL... but got one uncle very good, but age is caughing up with him... good skill but can't run... hit very far from him and he is done for it... can't run just mean can't run... whahahahaha... i am so bad... if he is at my age i sure lost him sia...
~i cut my hair liao chiang still say my hair long long... -.-"
he is using his own view of "short hair" on me... haiz... look like i going to cut my hair again, cannot make him du lan me or i die for my IAP... so guy pls do not laugh at me for my super short hair when u all saw me..
Monday, October 27, 2008
this cooling tower i spend the most time with "him"last friday do disinfection for this cooling tower
i spend 5 HOURS doing this!!!
during the process need test test test
dose dose dose
got see the three white container?
one container 25kg
this stupid tower located at the top of the building
mean i need to carry 75kg to the top!
lucky i very fit~~~
anyway i getting bored dealing with cooling tower!!!
i think i have been living my life to the fullest since CPTC training start, maybe that the life i enjoy... weekday attachment *busy busy busy* den weekend work mcdonald... one week 7 days busy busy busy... LOL... tired and very tired BUT i am reali enjoying it, i can't stay at home doing nothing all day long... i will feel that i am a useless person...
During attachment i got a lot of information from those staff and other attachment student, they share with me a lot about what is happening in NUS and NTU all these... i know what i want and i know i am going to get it, AND i will... having goal and a goal that u spend time thinking and setting it made your life feel much more better...
*my friend out there, have u found your goal? trust me, u will enjoy it once u reali what is your goal...
p/s: law of attraction apply
Thursday, October 23, 2008
AttachmentMy job scoop is jus dealing with cooling water system from different site, it is very interesting to see there were so many different design of cooling tower... But different design still doing the same thing onli the size and work load is not the same... My job is do a lot of testing for a lot of parameter for the cooling water, den decide what chemical and how much to dose... can be simple also can be hard... hahaneed a lot of physical work as we need to carry chemical around the site for dosing and it can be very far... haiz... think i will be very macho after my attachment... LOL...

mini cooling tower...
so cute!

here is the big one!
cptc cooling tower is nth compare to this man
got bigger one
next week i took pic den post it here

inside the cooling tower
a lot of foaming right???
cos a lot bacterial
need some chemical dosing to remove them
if too much need to do blowdown liao

hoong soon (another NUS guy having attachment with me) is dosing chemical
he is jus sitting beside me in the office
my life is full of cooling water tower now...
went for lunch after work den go back to the office disturb other staff... whahahaha... i ate duck rice for lunch den stomach a bit funny... think the duck had drink china milk before they die... ><
in the office when i was about to sleep(bored to sleep), got one aunt(one of the staff in the office) came to me...
Aunt : ah boy ar, ask u hor... what is the place name beside cck lot 1 huh???
me: cck lot 2 lor... (trying to be funny)
*the guy (hoong soon) sitting beside me break into laughter* LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
Aunt : ah boy ar, u think very funny is it (trying to show she is angry)
me : correct what, if wrong den maybe is cck lot 3 lor
Aunt : can i ask your boss to sack u?
me : if my boss listen to u den ok lor
Aunt : i'm his wife
me : shit... Zzz
*anyway we r jus joking around*
Do u agree?
jus now watch tv and came across this, they were talking about the relationship between woman and kitchen... the greatest happiness a woman can have is to cook with her heart and see their love one enjoying the food... this apply to all no matter u r business woman or housewife, as long SHE is a woman...
came to here i think i a bit guilty... LOL... cos whenever meiyi cook for me i will comment a lot on her food... now she don wan to cook for me liao... LOL
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
GESo far attachment to GE betz not bad la... fun as i get to met a lot of people and play around in the office... helping this helping that... den get to go to different plant and se their cooling water operation... it is very different from what i had seen in CPTC... anyway their cooling water is far more brown than CPTC... more foam... more smell... i think because those plant is 24 hours and their cooling water is fully operating...~today is go sanwa air product, tml i will be going mircon... hope everything would be fine
Thursday, October 16, 2008
cert for CPTC
allan liew handsome?
anyway hong wee photo taking skill
lucky he is in chemical line
fall asleep in my office...
pls don talk my boss...
and mr goh also...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
True is too true to be trueJust know something which i hope i did not know this something but however something is still something i need to know which is the something that is very true to something... My supervisor = wiro(name) = ex-NYP = same course with me = my LO Mr Goh student
*My supervisor of supervisor = Chiang = old man = uni classmate of allan liew
*the world is so small
what i do = both liew and goh will know 100%
think i better behave myself there
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
STOCK kills?I think everyone should know that singapore stock price is dropping due to US market... den in the news and newspaper got people crying around asking for the money back that they invest...I jus find it stupid, they said they are given fake information from "don know what brother" in US... den also got singaporean protest at the fanglin garden...
~buy stock lost money den make so much noise?
~i jus find it stupid
~there is always risk when u wan to play with stock, if wan to buy den pls be prepare that u will lost money that u invest... i wonder why they never offer to return the money they earn from stock when they "win" money? now lost money den find so many excuse to get the money back... think back again, it is their greed to have more money and that why buy stock... it is your business that u lost money, because u never do enough "homework"...
~this is my personal view on this because i have one uncle keep on kpkb to me that he lost $30k, i jus feel that he deserve it to the fullest.. don know so much in the stock den still wan to invest so much money... u lost money due to your "stupid'bility" don blame others...
~lesson taugh? spent money earn using your hand and brain... lost money because of your brain(invest in losing money stock) den pls blame your mother give u the brain... i don know much inside story but i think those lost money? YOU JUST DESERVE IT <--- to that uncle
~~~~~~~anyway back to attachment
nothing much because is still safety safety safety again... hmmm... it is a safe country... LOL
tml going to make JI pass because i need to travel around jurong island to take sample from "customer"...
Monday, October 13, 2008

last week i was jam
this bus break down lor...
CPTC had ended last friday, think i will miss them a lot... all the trainer is very willing to teach and i will miss the plant... Now my attachment which is GE water process tech, very very very far... Need to attend OPSOC again.. haiz...
Got my cert for CPTC training already... ready had a great time there... i will never forget KDU plant...

my PPE before return back

my smelly locker
that i use for 6 weeks
my locker key
Had my first day of attachment... HAHA... today whole day is safety safety safety

My office!!!

another view

i love my office

I working very hard now
in my belove office
do not disturb
im and idiot of idiots.. hiax.. hopeless---> meiyi type one
so of cos she is saying about herself
Monday, October 6, 2008
Patch outingWake up in the morning to meet iven and kalai for the outing... Had KFC before going, the new 7-up revive taste like plain water sia... anyone want to try pls think twice... Below is some of the pic taken during the outing... 
manager start from cpcc
the one in orange is extra

jus some...

me and my best buddy


all the manager in the patch

CPCC manager

KTB manager

YRR manager

NP manager

Best CSO ranking in the patch!
YS manager!!!

winner of the game...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
CPTC came to a end soonJust finish the last day of training... what left is the final term exam and collect cert... den my attachment would start soon... first day of CPTC i hate this place, feel like a prison... but i think i will miss CPTC a lot and the C100 that i can't get to climb from the start due to the stupid bee... i think it is fate... tot can climb again den rain... shit shit shit...the trainer there worth our respect from the student... u can reali feel that from the bottom of their heart they reali wan to teach u and share with u all their knowledge... if can next time i might wan to come back as a trainer to teach if possible...

this is our group trainer... best trainer.. LOL..
old school?
funny tone?
safety officer

cool huh... the plant is behind us



this is the control room with three trainer...
most left is the one make me change casket...
right one is ah tan
a very cute old man
look like we are having problem again after a few days of peace... my explantation to her is a excuse.. i think i should reflect myself... not her fault... maybe my explantation is too fake to be true and too true to be an excuse...
she block me in msn once again... i already lost count of it... i think i should not even bother to count it...
tian ar... can u just give me a break? are u making fun of me?
things just keep coming back no matter how hard i try... joke...
i don know is her fault or my fault...
i jus have no club about it
Saturday, October 4, 2008
埋怨,是心靈的癌症! 有一個令人啼笑皆非的故事, 是說到有一個樵夫,總覺得自己需辛苦工作才能有收入,心裡非常不平衡.
有一天,他越想越氣,便在吃中飯時對著妻子大大的埋怨一番,弄得妻子的心情也不好, 並遷怒到正在廚房裡做菜的女兒,女兒也很火, 盛怒之下,煮飯時一不小心,多放了一匙鹽, 這下子,樵夫吃了更火了!覺得自己的人生已經夠悲慘,居然連頓好飯也沒得吃。
於是,飯後他氣沖沖地回到山上去砍柴, 一邊砍,一邊氣急地對其他的樵夫訴說著自己那 ' 倒楣的人生 ' , 他越講越氣! 砍柴時一個不小心,斧頭脫手飛了出去,打中了一個路人, 那路人不是別人,而是由鄰國來訪,路經途中的鄰國王子,
一個人如果經常怨天尤人、批這評那,那麼,他 ( 她) 的情緒很容易就會波及到旁人, 甚至影響了整個群體中的氣氛與風氣, 漸漸地,群體中充滿了怨聲載道、楚囚相對的消極氣氛。
埋怨會吸光您的「 養份」( 福氣 ):
埋怨的情緒會吸光您的 快樂 , 吸光您的 人緣 , 吸光您的 自信 , 吸光您的 動力 , 不但得不到原本所沒有的,還會讓您原本所有的也漸漸被噬去。
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Boo... Night shift...Damn sleepy during the night shift sia, my eye was very small during the shift... Maybe too boring le ba, i think more than half of our time is stacking... Because we are doing shut down and need to wait for the COT(for those who don know, it is the Coil Outlet Temp) to redure until around 100 degC den is safe to shut down everything... During fuel switchover for the furance, due to many many many reason the furance tripped... yes... NOT MY FAULT... whahahhaa... so i went to start up the furance... when i was starting up, all my evil teamate curse me that i will trip the furance again... all of them use their law of attraction to curse... BUT i had proven them that my law of atttraction is more power than them... lalalla... i never trip and it start up nicely... *proud*
anyway we reali had steamboat sia... a group of us(10 over people) meet together and went to NTUC before taking the bus... so many ppl with onli one shopping cart, funny sia... we brough $105.4 of food... because we are sharing amount 20 over people, so each one of us onli need to pay $5 like that... we also ask the trainer to eat with us... end up we can't finish the food sia... LOL... but is reali fun to eat steamboat in CPTC(feel like CNY), heard one of the NP student say :"wow... u see NYP eating steamboat tonight sia"
anyway when we take over from NP(more shift), they are just a JOKE nia... they don handover well and just thinking of going home... jus creep and joke around during handing over to us, even laugh at their own friend when handing over... to me i jus feel that they don know their process well and don know what they are doing anyway... never do sampling after add chemical to the cooling water... don know which pump is using and jus anyhow tell us... no wonder our trainer was so angry, can see his face turn black during handover...
p/s: jia you terry... good luck for your TP... is very easy one la... don think too hard..
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sorry guys... CPTC again... LOL...Well... after having "no life" in CPTC for 4 weeks... now we are entering the last phase of our training which is 3 days of 12hours shift work... mean that we reali hand on to run a chemical process plant on our own with minimum help from our trainer... yesterday i jus had my first shift training... 8am to 8pm...We had a lot of fun... we also eat a lot of snake during the shift... our biggest entertainment is making fun of wei suan with one chio bu... *cough cough*
We are in charge of starting up the furance... First thing wei suan do is spoil our air blower, which he never admit it at all... LOL... den while waiting for one of our trainer to fix it, we stack again.... whahahahahha... when the blower is up... i am the one to commission the fuel gas flow into the furance... i trip the furance!!! NOT BECAUSE i no skill leh... is SUT supply of fuel gas does not meet the header pressure... ASS... now they are making fun of me saying i trips the furance...
anyway all of them order mac delievery for dinner... onli me... cos i will vomit if i eat mac again... den i was too free while they are eating mac... i was doing some stupid thing(not reali stupid lah), den one of the trainer came in and saw it... SHIT!!! partly is all because of wei suan sai po me again... the trainer FORCE me to go out with his group to the plant to change the casket since i was too free... -.-

This is the distillation column we had in the KDU plant
i think is around 10 floor?
onli had a change to climb half of the unit...
heard from other group the highest view not bad

i took it during the end of my shift last night(8pm)
the night view of our CPTC KDU plant

this one is the plant at another side of the sea beside KDU
don know what plant is it...
i love those light man...
light in the dark
tonight is my second day of shift training... which is 8pm to next morning 8 am... whahahaha... think can stack more than yesterday... anyway they are thinking of having steamboat... COOL... steamboat in a CPTC... POWER~~~