Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Photo time~~~
Taken during last meeting with HY
Whole management inside except me
cos i having my test

taken during the FIRST day
ME ME ME as a manager
first day wor~~~
Finish all the lecture in NYP le, now left with the exam den go CPTC.
Attachment would be next... LOL... Heard from xian that NP ppl also there having our training with us... Joker... xian say they don know how to draw P&ID... GG
NP never teach them how to draw... poorthing...
NYP can bully NP liao...
p/s: wonder if they know how to read P&ID if they were given one in the CPTC...
Monday, July 28, 2008
WrongHave u ever being in a state that no matter what u do, everything just being so wrong. What u trying to say, others always get it wrong? I always wonder what happen and what can i do, because these few days is just not my day... Everything is seem to be in the wrong mode after uncountable time u have tune... As what AIC teach usWe always want SP = PV, but somehow it is always 0% chance for the PV to be 100% equal to the SP...
Anyway lets come back to my job, I don't think i will be staying in mac after my attachment ba... I spoke to SK(my super big boss, four rank higher then me sia) if i can change to 2nd asst(full-time) after my poly attachment until my NS... Her answer is NO because i not going to stay to long as i going to NS soon after poly attachment.
Think about it... If i would SK i also have the same decision. I told her my dream that i wanna to complete before i left is to have a chance to run macafe and also Mac delivery call centre... SK say she would help me... HAHA...
One of the job i would like to have is a driver... Onli those have a licence would understand my feeling... the feeling of driving a car when u don have a car...
Being a driver u can...
- drive without paying but instead get paid
- petrol not u pay, is company pay... LOL, this is shiok when the price is so high now
- for a road idiot like me who can lost my way even in yishun is a very good chance for me to know the road well
- Wouldn't heart pain if the car got scatch or dirty, is not my car anyway
- last is U CAN DRIVE
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Time don't wait for peopleStill remember the first day I step into NYP as a STUDENT, the feeling is mixture of everything... Now? Next week will be my last time stepping into NYP lecture hall for lecture the LAST TIME as a student. Well... maybe this is another part of life... time just don wait for you...
Already start doing resume and all the paper work for CPTC training... Next will be attachment and then FYP (fail your project)... Den NS<---- oh my god~~~
Half of happy and half of sad... Happy because I finally my poly life come to a end soon, sad because i also need to end my poly life which i got so used to it for pass three years...
In game, there is something call reborn... You play until the max level den reborn, back to level 1 but will be stronger... I wonder if that can happen in real life???
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Dinner Below is a joke in the e-mail i recently read...TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.Same with simon in this joke, I always don't need to worry much for dinner because I must say that my mum is a great cook. BUT TODAY....Seem that my mum today hate bitter gourd a lot... (and i reali need A LOT)
Soup: bitter gourd soup
Veg: a type of bitter veg, don need the name
Meat: fish fry bitter gourd
I love bitter... but it is just too bitter for me having the whole dinner with bitter taste...
p/s: I eat one whole packet of kit-kat after the dinner to get rid of the bitter*ness* in my mouth... ANYONE WANT TO TRY??? I DON'T MIND TO COOK FOR YOU ONE WHOLE SET OF BITTER DINNER... but u must finish all...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Great story to share with you. 一大早,我跳上一部計程車,要去台北郊區做企業內訓。 因正好是尖峰時刻,沒多久車子就卡在車陣中,此時前座的司機 先生開始不耐地嘆起氣來。 隨口和他聊了起來:「最近生意好嗎?」 後照鏡的臉垮了下來,聲音臭臭的:「有什麼好?到處都不景氣,你想我們計程車生意會好嗎?每天十幾個時,也賺不到什麼錢,真是氣人!」 嗯,顯然這不是個好話題,換個主題好了,我想,於是我說:「不過還好你的車很大很寬敞,即便是塞車,也讓人覺得很舒服 ?」 他打斷了我的話,聲音激動了起來:「舒服個鬼!不信你來每天坐 12 個小時看看,看你還會不會覺得舒服!?」 接著他的話匣子開了,抱怨政府無能、社會不公,所以人民無望。 我只能安靜地聽,一點兒插嘴的機會也沒。 兩天後同一時間,我再一次跳上了計程車,再一次地要去郊區同一家企業做訓練,然而這一次,卻開啟了迥然不同的經驗。 一上車,一張笑容可掬的臉龐轉了過來,伴隨的是輕快愉悅的聲音:「你好,請問要去哪 ? 堙H 」 真是難得的親切,我心中有些訝異,隨即告訴了他目的地。 他笑了笑:「好,沒問題!」 然而走沒兩步,車子又在車陣中動彈不得了起來。前座的 司機 先生手握方向盤,開始輕鬆地吹起口哨哼起歌來,顯然今天心情不錯。於是我問:「看來你今天心情很好嘛!」 他笑得露出了牙齒:「我每天都是這樣啊,每天心情都很好。」 「為什麼呢?」我問:「大家不都說景氣差,工作時間長,收入都不理想嗎?」 司機先生說:「沒錯,我也有家有小孩要養,所以開車時間也跟著拉長為 12 個小時。 不過,日子還是很開心過的,我有個祕密 ?」 他停頓了一下:「說出來先生你別生氣,好嗎?」 當然好,只要是快樂的祕密,我這個念過心理學的都感興趣。 他說:「我總是換個角度來想事情。例如,我覺得出來開車,其實是客人付錢請我出來玩。像今天一早,我就碰到像你這樣的先生,花錢請我跟你到陽明山去玩,這不是很好嗎?等下到了陽明山,你去辦你的事,而現在是花季,我就正好可以順道賞賞花,抽根菸再走啦!」 他繼續說:「像前幾天哦,有一對情侶去淡水看夕陽,他們下車後,我也下來喝碗魚丸湯,擠在他們旁邊看看夕陽才走,反正來都來了嘛,更何況還有人付錢呢?」 漂亮!多精采的一個祕密!我突然意識到自己有多幸運,一早就有這份榮幸,跟前座的 EQ 高手同車出遊,真是棒極了。 又能坐車,心情又開心,這樣的服務有多難得,我決定跟這位 司機 先生要電話,以後再邀他一起出遊。 接過他名片的同時,他的手機鈴聲正好響起,有位老客人要去機場,原來喜歡他的不只我一位,相信這位 EQ高手的工作態度,不但替他贏得好心情,也必定帶進許多生意。 快樂其實是一種習慣 心理學家發現,快樂其實是一種習慣,不論環境怎麼變, EQ 高手的快樂決心是不會改變的。當我們能換一種心態去看待自己的工作,並帶著遊戲般的愉快心情面對工作,你會發覺自己的內在能量強大許多,抗壓應變的功力也因此大為增進,而這,也正是貫徹快樂決心的漂亮做法。 我自己就常覺得,工作其實是一種偽裝,讓我有很好的藉口及機會,能因著演講及各種活動,去認識許許多多有趣精彩的人,這不是很過癮嗎?(更何況,往往還有人付錢呢!)。
Friday, July 11, 2008
My lifeThese few days had been thinking about my life...*Past
All my failure and success ALL owned to my own personality, personality pull me high up and also drop me to the bottom of the hill. One factor contribute to the part of my success is actually my brother... Still rememeber during primary school(when he is in seconday) I always like to see his CCA, he did very well for his CCA(which I think this is the only thing he excel AND I REALLY MEAN EXCEL). His rank is so high and with a lot of reward for his CCA. I can see that he spent a lot of time on it, for me this is the first time of my life to see people working hard for his goal.
So when I was in secondary school, I join NPCC and start working very hard like my brother did. I go for ALL course, training, meeting and camp... I get two colorless reward for my CCA in sec 3 and 4. My study is actually a pieces of shit in primary, my PSLE is only 171(all get C onli chinese is A). Even in secondary during lower sec my result belong to one of the "suck^est" student! Some how due to unknown result(even myself don know) I start to have interest in study and that when my result start to improve! That is when I get my first colorless reward in sec 3.
I start to see the fruit of my hard work, that when my result improve even more. Sec 3 is also the time I join Mcdonald as a part-time crew, I take work seriously and got promoted to crew leader shortly within less than 6months. My N level was 6 point by getting all B and go for sec 5, of cos my o level is not bad lah, if not how i get into a science course in NYP... hehe...
As for excel in work, i met the right boss and with my hard work... I promoted manager soon after O level end. Anyone here believe in friendly competition? I DO...
I have one friend which I already treat him as brother... He is Terry... He chiong CCA and work together with me... In CCA and work he is holding on to same rank as me... Until one day I was very touch when he told me something... He say without me, he wun be who he is now... Because when he saw the way I do thing, he don't want to lose to me... That why he also work very hard to stay on the same path as me... This is a friendly competiton... Not hurting our friendship at all during the process... onli improvement... To him, i am a competitor who he want to win... To me, he is someone who fought side by side with me...
This is the success part cause by my personlity... Now here come the falling part... I transfer to PS Mcdoanld after I get promoted to manager... At that time I told myself since I can be a success crew leader, i can be a success manager too!!! My personlity cause me to be very proud of myself and all the manager there HATE me... They will do whatever thing they can to bring me down because I was full of myself... I suffer a lot because I am reali a SUCK person in PS... I scold my business manager and business consultant(all far more high rank den me) when I was just a trainess, this is so proud am i... I must thank god that i am so lucky never getting sack... When all of them lost hope on me and kick me out to another outlet, I was under a new RM call Hwei Yuen... She make me feel I a lousy manager, and that the time I improve because i want to prove her wrong... She let me know what a manager should be and teach me a lot of thing that can apply in my perssonal life and work... I must thank her for what I am NOW, without her I think i am just a useless manager... As for study... I was kind of sleeping in year one and sleep even more in year 2... Because I proud of my O level result!!! My personlity again... Now is year 3 already, i think i should not be sleeping now... IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP... I still have time for this sem and attachment to pull my GPA up... I WANT TO GO UNI~~~I know i can't go far without going to uni... I have my own goal in life, I know i can't reach my goal without going to uni...
Those old ah ma ah pek always say there were always up and down in life... I have my UP in secondary for school and work because of my personality... I also had my DOWN after o level to year 2... I think its time to reset my own goal... I know my second UP is coming... Until the day i close my eye forever... I not going to let my life go to second DOWN again...
p/s: Law of attraction apply here... (-_-)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Ah Hua went for a job interview to be a secretary.
When the manager saw Ah Hua's colorful attire and gold,white-highlighted hair, his mind is screaming, 'NOT THIS WOMAN!!!'.Nevertheless, he still had to interview Ah Hua.So he told Ah Hua,'If you can form a sentence using the words that Igive you, then I will give you a chance!
The words are
Ah Hua thought for a while and said,'I hear the phone GREEN , GREEN ,GREEN, then I go and PINK up the phone, I say YELLOW..... BLUE's that?WHITE did you say?Aiyah, wrong numberlah.....Don't PURPLELY disturb people and don't callBLACK, ok? Kum Siah.
The manager fainted....
Sunday, July 6, 2008
shit... i never wake up in the bank... FAKE
Saturday, July 5, 2008
PhilosophiesMr Goh show us a video on the philosophies...which is The Law Of Attraction..
In simple, it is actually saying that every human have their own thought every second.
Each thought have their own frequency...
For every thought you have, your brain will sent out a frequency and attract the "thing" you are thinking of... The hard you think, the stronger the frequency... That is what the law of attraction mean...
~For example, you are thinking of having chicken rice for dinner... Some how maybe your mum will buy it for you...
~However, the law of attraction have bad point too... The thing you thinking that YOU DON"T WANT will also kanna attracted to you because it attract what you think of, not what you don't want...
As long you think, it will attract...
Example there was one incident i am thinking of not getting summon, end up i kanna one jus after i finish my dinner.. LOL...
Or maybe you think you don wish to have chicken rice for your dinner, next min you will saw your mum buy chicken rice for you...
~But i think this is what human behave... When you wan something, you work hard for it..
So you will get it... Not actually the law of attraction...
For more can refer to you can sreach the net yourself..
~ To some extent i think is bullshit...
So many singaporean bet 4D... they THINK so hard to win... How many actually win it???
p/s: I going to sleep now and i am thinking of money now... Wish me good luck guys... there is high chance for me to find myself in the bank when i wake up... LOL...