Monday, June 30, 2008
Last but not least
Let me end this month by this chio bu
Cool~~~It has been quite a while since my last blog, cos i am jus too lazy to write... Haha... Meiyi just found a new job at starhub.... hmmm... LOL... write wrong la, is starbuck la... Because her ex job cancel her commission and she is very upset about it... Lucky she got the good job that offer very good condition and pay... ~Next month... OR maybe i should say in a few hours time i will have a new RM taking over YS le... This new RM is a singer man~~~ she is kind of mcdonald superstar, she win the mcdonald singing competition.. Sound cool... well?
~Today got back the result for safety and POO... Very surprise that i can score so well... jaw drop... The viva mr goh just offer to give me 85% without much think, he give me a chocolate for geting 2nd in class for the test...
As for POO, when the result came out... I was looking if my admin number is under C,D or F... Because i got quite a few question not sure and jus trying... Happy that i did not fell into C,D and F... LOL...
However don think i will be so lucky for p.chem, as i KNOW many question i will get wrong...
p/s: I think i am thinking myself being too confidence le, always think that i am right and other is just nonsense is my biggest weakness... I think i should start doing something before thing is getting out of hand..
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mum always like to lie... LOL...I think everyone have this experience that ur mum lie to you, maybe is about a small thing but since young didn't they teach us not to lie? ~Just for example, in mcdonald where mum always lie to their kids...
Example 1When the kid always pester their mum for happy meal because they can get a toy for that, the mum will told their kids that the toy is out of stock AND OF COS WE AS A GOOD SERVICE STAFF HAD TO CARRY OUT THE LIE WITH THE MOTHER. Sound so bad that we had to lie to that kids, but if we don't do that A LETTER WILL SENT TO OUR HQ... Fainted
~Example 2Not onli kids, sometime even us as a teens or maybe young adult like to eat ice cream. Of cos like thing happen here... we had to lie to the kids that the ice cream is out of stock with their mum...
~U might find it funny but that is what reali happening in my work place man...
Even those singer or maybe i should say song writer wrote it out in their song that their mum lie to them... Need example of the song? DOn worry... I also have...
~Example 1快点来爱我 - 李玖哲The song is like this....
小时候妈妈说 美男子不多
哄的我 搞的我 跌的更重
~Example 2笨小孩 - 刘德华Well... it is being sang like this
妈妈说真心爱 会爱得很精彩 结果我没有女孩
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Old times
Omg, this pic is being took N years ago... hmmm... when i was jus a noob manager...That was my ex PS management team during meeting... A period of time that i DON'T miss at all...
Let me intro starting from the left...
First one is mayis(think i spell wrong), a very experience manager which now at chong pang as a 1st asst. Had a very short time working with her, soon after i come to PS she went to give birth and on LONG leaves... I transfer out soon after she came back...
~Second one of cos is me lah... whahahahaha....
~ Third one is Rajah, hiding knife under his smile... xiao ren yi ke
~Fouth one is Naris, other than useless i had nothing to say about him...
~Fifth one is Dahila, my RM which never wish me to work at her store at all... Cos i am the onli one with no experience and yet always opps her... She kick me out! Lucky she did that, or she will old very fast
~Sixth is Jasmine, a very sweet gal but weak body... Once she work ovenight or closing u will see her sick for one week...
~Seventh is Tian, join mac for fun and a very playful gal... Left mac after two month as she was offer a seat in a well known uni
~next is sharon teo, think many of u guys know her if u all work in mac... A very steady manager that don tok much... To her, i am nothing... TO me, who cares?
~next is ying ling, a innocent gal which no quit school at primary school... but she is very smart to find her RM as her god mother... that explain why she can be a manager even without PSLE...
~The toughest period of time when i am working in mac... No true friend at all...
Lucky enough, i not belong to them anymore ~~
Friday, June 20, 2008
Haiz... ARghhhh.... School starting soon...mean that commont test too...
~Do any one know why mcdonald is red and yellow????
what else can i say?
steady one transfering out or quit
useless one keep joining...
~that my life...
boring right?
~chiller spoil (casket)
kitchen light spoil
computer USB port spoil
counter hang
MDS bag break
grill platen need to be fix
:::: that make up the unboring part of my life
and of cos meiyi~~~
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Unwelcome guestwhat happen if u had an unwanted guest?
that guest will make u uncomfortable right?
don need to do anything
jus show a black face
answer with ONLY one word if that guest ask anything
the guest would feel uncomfortable too
since the guest presense make u uncomfortable
make the guest feel the same way den
i jus do the same thing
and the result was great!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
FISH FISH FISHWent to crew outing todaysad...
cos not my store de outing...
Who cares?
~Back to story, went to the fish spa at around CCK area. If i not wrong the name is call "qian hu"
There were a lot of news paper cutting there, the fish farm owner appear in the tv show before...
In channel U, i saw him a lot of time... I know him but he don know me... LOL
wow wow wow

fish fish come eat me
this is normal size fish
around 2cm long onli....

this is crazy man
the fish is longer than my 15cm ruler

don understand english?
DOn worry
they have chinese

who say fish farm MUST have fish onli?
aunties and girl were screaming away when the big fish come...
sreaming not enough?
they run away... LOL...
However got one aunt leh those fish like a lot...
all the fish go to her side
seem that...
her leg got a lot of death cell...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
ARE u sure u will speed next time?

Watch it yourself and u will understAND
Going to watch kunfu panda on WED...
Nice?~~~ Anyone watch already can tell me...
Meiyi tml start school le... haha... i still got one more week of holiday... ar.... nono, is study break for student NOT to study...
Anyway... i think human is always like that... I Chiong all the way throwing my time and money into driving lesson with onli one goal in my mind...
the goal is....
To drive la stupid...
But nothing much had change in my life after getting a licence...
Onli spending more money for renting car and worst when now the petrol is so *cheap*
I would rent car at least once a month... Now i tired of driving liao...
Maybe bike?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Some lame ADs found on net
Wow he is GODStill remember last time i got blog about Deja vu? One of his prediction is about Japan...
2008, July: There will be an earthquake in Japan, which will cause a tsunami of 30 plus metres high to occur as well.Just now watch news reported there is a earthquake in japan... Level 7 earthquakeJune instead of july
No tsunami instead of tsunami of 30 metre...
~SO? It is a prediction afterall...
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Well? Picture speak a thousands words...
Friday, June 6, 2008
HolidayYES!!! Test is finish!!!Holiday started!!!
Still got many thing haven do yet...
~1. POO line tracing
2. AIC report
3. Safety RIVA
4. McDonald PDS
5. Safety report
7. Study for common test after the break
~So free and yet so busy...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Update?Just finish all the test
Term break is coming soon
Common test is just waiting behine the break
My class have four
while other have three
~Watch sex and the city(M18) last night
Don't understand why M18
Nothing much also...
Quite a nice show, but wun recomment u all go watch
Heard one of my primary school friend is in china during the earthquake...
haiz... why~~~ Maybe this is fate ba...
坏结局还不够 冷风打的我发抖
寂寞不断提醒我 你不知苦的时
候愁荒漠里的自由 在梦里都找寻
我命运有多幽默 被捉弄的人才懂
He is flying kite now...
Fucking lucky...
He is damn far away from the earthquake..
Ask four number from this lucky boy...
Anyone buying?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Silly Was on the phone with meiyi just now, her reply is mostly "GO AND DIE LAH"
~Me: What if I reali die?Her: Find use BF lor~Me: You reali will find new BF ar? (try to sound very sad)Her: Ya (very sure)
Me: Ok lor...
~Then talk about other thing...
Five min later....
~Her: What if I die?
Me: Find new GF lor~Her: .............
~Then talk about other thing....
Five more min later...
~Her: You reali will find new GF ar???
~~LOL... Silly conversion...
Well? That the fun of it right?
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Wise Old Man~A man of 92 years, well-presented, who take good care of his appearance, is moving into an old folk home today. His wife of 70 years old had recently passed away, and he feel obliged to leave his home.
~After waiting for a fews hour in the old folk home lobby, he smile when told that his room is ready. As he walk slowly to the elevator using his cane, the staff describle the small room to him.
~ The old man reply:"I like it very much!"
Staff:"Sir, you have't even seen the room yet."
~Below is the old man reply
That has nothing to do with it. Happiness is something I choose in advances. Whether or not i like the room not because of the decor-rather it depend on how i decided to see it. It is already decided in my mind that i like the room. It is a decision I make every morning i wake up.
~I can choose. Spending my day in the bed enumerating my body no longer work as well as when i was young OR get up from bed and thank heaven that my body can still move.
~Everyday is a gift, as long as I can open my eyes I will focus on the new day, and all the happy memories that I have built up during my life. Old age is just like a bank account. You withdraw in later life what you have deposited along the day.
~So my advice to you is to deposit all the happiness you can into your bank account of memories.
Thank you for your part in filling my account with happy memories, which I am still continuing to fill.
~There is five step toward happiness1. Free your heart from hate2. Free your mind from worry3. Live simply4. Give more 5. Expect less
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Taken during his last day of work
Lesson learn?
Treat your crew well... ><