Friday, May 30, 2008

Anyone know who is this gal?
Deja vu... Some online explaination for deja vu...
experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has repeated itself
It is just something or event that u think happen before and u just cannot explain it. Sort of there were some image flash thur ur mind and few second later u reali saw the REAL picture...
Predictions, especially came from unknown supernatural manners are not widely accepted by the scientific minds. It is very different for me. Not that I'm able to make predictions, but I've managed to pull off some sort of "accurate predictions" when i experience Deja vu. Being caught in a situations where you felt or believed that you were there before in the past.
For example I had some flashing image jus now that a lady fall down infront of me AND that reali happen when i was on my way home. Open a e-mail which is about prediction, this somehow link with deja vu... Maybe the "Mr. Juseleeno" in the e-mail is using deja vu, but i think his is the stronger deja vu "power" as he is able to say the time out... Below is the e-mail... BUT I HAVE TO MAKE MY POINT CLEAR, I DON'T KNOW IF IT IS TRUE
Mr. Juseleeno, born in 1960(reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilian who has made many predictions, and MOST have come to pass, including Princess Diana’s death by car accident (which is instigated by someone near her and will probably unfortunately be written off as a car accident), 911 and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He sees the future in his dreams, and has an average of 3 to 9 such predictions per day. When he wakes up, he will write them down, and send warnings to those concerned. If it concerns only a normal individual, he will write a letter to warn him/her. If it is a famous person(celebrity, politician etc.), or matters > concerning the public, he will not only send it to the individual himself/herself, but also related agencies, government, and media. He urged the media to publicise these predictions, but the reply always went along the lines of rejection for fear of arousing public panic.
Future predictions he made
2008, July: There will be an earthquake in Japan, which will cause a tsunami of 30 plus metres high to occur as well.
2008, 18th September: An earthquake with magnitude of approximately 9.1 will rock China , simultaneously causing a tsunami of more than 30 metres to occur, resulting in the deaths of more than 1 million people. Although this huge earthquake will happen after the Olympics have ended, there will be a series of relatively smaller earthquakes occurring in China before the huge earthquake. The China government, which is more concerned with > the success of the Olympics, will most likely neglect to employ appropriate cautionary measures, thus the high casualty rate. If the China government does not publicise the occurrence of these minor earthquakes and evacuate people, the number of deaths will be as predicted.
2008, 17th December: terrorist attack in America
p/s: True anot? We have to wait until july then we make... Meanwhile we better prey it will not happen... Still got many others but i think recently one onli these three onli... MAY GOD BLESS JAPAN, CHINA AND AMERICA
Thursday, May 29, 2008
MonkOne of the best story that i like to tell my friend.Once upon a time, there were one old monk and one small monk travel around the country. The old monk always teachs the small monk all the can and can't. Example cannot touch woman, cannot kill, cannot eat meat... etc...
~Here come one of the trips they met an old granny that hurt her leg and was sitting under the tree. The old monk offer to carry the granny back home, the small monk just walking beside the old monk who was carrying the granny on his back...
~Two days later...
The small monk asked the old monk
Small:"Why u carry that granny?"
Old:"What do u mean?"
Small:"Because u taugh me not to touch woman, but....."
Old:"But i still carry a woman isn't it?"
Old:"I had put her down two days ago, why u haven't?"
Understand the story? Can't? Well... u just haven reach that level of mature yet...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
SentosaToday jus had my p.chem test paper, okok lor... Not hard not easy... Then after that rush to sentosa because my store have crew outing... Reach there and go and have a drink with some others manager... EXP sia... We order one bucket of beer... Below is the charges,~
Beer $40
Svr 10% $4
GST 7% $3.05
Total $47.05
Joker... So exp...
Anyway once in awhile nvm... So we will chatting about past exp in other job... I think mine is the most interesting one... haha... I was working in 7-11 for a short period of time and many funny things happened be4...
Story 1 : There was once a guy came in to buy tissue but out of stock... When i told that guy no more tissue but he insisit to find tissue himself... End up he took one pack of sanitary pad up and said:"Yesh! I found it, who say don't have!"
I was like.... wtf.... @#$%%#$#
Story 2 : There was another guy came in walk there walk here, see see look look around and not buying anything... I tot he wan to steal something in the first place so i keep a look out on him... When the rest of the customer leave, left me and that customer... He came to the counter...
Customer : Hmmm... Hmmm... do u sell.... (face super red)
Me: Huh? what?
Customer : Ar... u know? that one la... hmmm.... (very soft, hardly can hear)
Me: Your face so red, u want beer is it?
Customer : Nono... i wan con... arghhh... con la...
Me: Sorry we don't sell corn here... Maybe u can try mcdonald...
Customer: I want condom la.... (still very soft, turn his head down)
Me: OIC... Infront of you lor, u never see ar?
Customer: .....
After that he took one pack of condom and just i was about to scan it, a lady came in... That customer run away...
(-_-)" Left me standing there holding a pack of condom *stund*, well... that lady look at me in disgust and left... WHAT A GREAT DAY!!!
Story 3 : It is very common that u will find missing sweet, beer, etc during end of the month stock take... U know? people can steal all kind of thing... Some common stuff is sweet lor...
1. U know 8DAYs? Sometime they will have free gift packed together with the 8DAY... It is not uncommon if u find those free gift went missing...
2. Open cans of coke being drank of some ass o... well... it is still very common...
3. Everyone should know 7-11 sell sandwich that need to be mircowaves, still it is a bit uncommon to find a monthful bite is gone from the sandwich... this still cannot stund me...
4. This reali stund me... Cup noodles? If u wan to steal just steal the whole cup la... Yet u know what i found? Seasoning is gone, left the noodles and the cup on the shelf... Don't understand why people wan to steal the seasoning in the cup noodles... Pro...
To that ass o who onli steal the seasoning:"Maybe next time u can try steal the noodles and left the seasoning for me, if u can do it, i will lost my mind in this ugly world.."
Well... i told my manager these story and they were just laughing their teeth off when everyone is looking at us... thinking that we might be drunk...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Nothing but just sound pollutionBelow is just one of my ex-post about library, copy from one of my lecturer...
I was in our library doing some things on a Saturday and it was quite quiet at first. Then a couple came in. The guy remained quite quiet but the lady wouldn't stop talking. I hope he marries her. Then two girls came in, and well, they still thought they were in the canteen.An ex-student who is now studying in NUS once told me that the NUS library is so quiet. And my reply was, well, that's a place where civilised people go to. The implication is clear. One would feel insulted if I say that he is uncivilised wouldn't he? But can wer come to a different conclusion if his behaviour in our library clearly shows that?Why do i post this? Today when i was having my test, there was a group of student sitting outside of the lect hall where we were having our test. They were singing, toking fucking loudly or maybe i should say is shouting... The lecturer went out and told them "we having a test now please keep quiet"... BUT the true is the noise never stop at all... Non matter how many time my lecturer went out to stop them...
I don believe that it is actually happening in poly... WHY? This shows how thick skin poly student can be... The lecturer came out so many time to stop you all but u all jus don care, maybe i should do the same thing during your test too...
Just now in the MRT, there was one boy keep jumping around... His mum ask him to stop but.... hmmm... i think i don need to tell u did the boy stop anot, u all should know the answer better...
Ring a bell? Poly student jus behaving no different from the little boy..
I don dare to say I am more quiet than them but i know when to stop... If i will one of them, i will jus keep my month shut after the lecturer warn us for the FIRST time...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
爱与希望 - 林俊杰作词:王雅君 作曲:林俊杰
大地被摇晃著 天空突然黑了
我的心也被震碎了 下一秒瓦解了
泪堆积成了河 但明天是好的
我们要坚定著 爱 让我们不放弃活著
看见了晴朗大地被摇晃著 天空突然黑了当爱与希望
投射炙热的太阳 昨日泪光 会随时间都蒸发
别轻易放弃 明天要许更多愿望
装满了勇气 就更有力量
当爱与希望 倒映暖暖的月亮
再回头望 又是筑好的家乡
我打开了窗 看见了晴朗
This song touch the bottom of my heart
why? cos i have a heart...
Everyone pls donate
One dollar not consider less, one million not consider much
Just do your part... I am bless in singapore...
Anyone got watch the show today at channel 8 7pm???
One part is a group of children singing "tong hua"
well??? kind of OMG... totally out of tune all that...
BUT think again... why they choose children to sing?
Children is the onli human that have the kind est heart because they haven't got containminate by adult world... Their voice is innocent...
Their parent were standing behind them crying... maybe knowing their kids still innocent... LOL!
Finding a singer to sing that tong hua would be meaningless...
Saturday, May 24, 2008
My PathThe picture on the top show my path to what i am now... It might not be the best path but at least it was a path I walk step by step toward who i am now and this is why i stick with this company for five years.... Total of three time i have quiting in mind, everytime it don happen due to this...

When I was a crew...
Some how, some what, some...
Don ask me why...
I jus don know why i look like that

Crew Leader
Taken during the first day mcdonald operate 24hour
I was the first batch of midnight crew

Don't be shock but this is how my ex outlet management behave...
Some how i start to hate them...
*Long story*

Manager in action?

Part of my management team NOW
the one on top is the onli one in mac can compare his speed with me~~~
the right one on the right is my biggest PAIN in mac...

This hamster is not part of mcdonald
But this show how i bully my hamster after work..
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Big Radiation Wave HoaxWhy the hell people actually believe it without using their common sense before senting these sms out? I don know if u all got this sms anot but i personally got five no common sense friend sent me this same sms... You should verify something before believing text messages that are circulating... The sms maybe is sent due to concern and i am happy about it...
The text message forwarded to me was exactly this, "Pls switch OFF all ur handphone 2NITE. According to
Metro TV, an international news, there will be a
BIG RADIATION WAVE circulating thru the handphone towers at 11PM 2nite which is very DANGEROUS to humans. Pls inform ur friends NOT 2 keep their phones with them. Please FORWARD.."
Before i sent this sms to warn my friend, i check up the net if it was true with many question in my mind because i have common sense...
Q1. Metro TV is malaysia TV station and not international, why ONLY Metro TV in this world know about this new?
Q2. This warning message is using sms form to circulate, what happen to those never saw this sms at all? Would they be in grave danger now?
Q3. IF it is true, why government never make any move yet?
Q4. For those who turn their phone off, what if someone nearby never turn his phone? Will they near the hell gate?
Q5. In the sms they stated 2nite, it has been circulating for more than 3days... So which "2nite" is it?
So my dear friend, pls verify first before you actually waste ur money or FREE SMS on something useless... The one started this nonsense is actually having the last laugh now when he/she fool so many people...
In more information? below pls
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Waiting for resurfacing the ICE
My LifeHaha... went to ice stake on the 19th... feel very shiok as it was a oven outside, these few day very hot... Everyone was like COOKED???
Well... the last time i stake was with i group of poly friend... lazy to find those pic, upload next time... The place was full of people(hardly to place to stake faster) due to holiday ba... whahaha... den went to eat sushi, saw COW eating there too... Btw he is my ex boss, he jus had an operation due to his back problem less than one week ago and NOW he is eating next table... Must admit the medical care now is very good... Before his operation he is no different from a dead body... LOL... Tok in the phone with him can die...
Anyway jus happen to tell him about "evil"(the hamster i have), he say he wan it... FINALLY I FOUND HIM A OWNER... LOL...

He is trying to run away... Haha... I don wish to give u away BUT u keep bullying fatty... haiz

Last pic of you before i give u to COW... I will miss you wor... Must be good hor...

His new house... look like he is enjoying himself inside... LOL... Beside him is another three bloodly fat hamster, fatter den my fatty sia... think evil will kanna bully by them... Like what i say, his bad end... LOL...

The car i drive.. ho ho ho...

Someone is trying to act cute when i drive... LOL... so i act cute with her lor... whahahah

Let end with this pic
This is what i call a "lonely man bench"
It was located outside the shop for man waiting for their wife/gf shopping
Notice ONLY man sitiing???
Very sad hor???
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Old words but true ROMANCE MATHEMATICS
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $20 for a $10 item he needs.
A woman will pay $10 for a $20 item that she doesn't need.
woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot & not try to understand her at all.
Married men live longer than single men do,but married men are a lot more willing to die.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings,poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, 'You're next.'
They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.Just come back from dinner with parent, the drink lady is old friend of my mum... First word came out of her bitch month is "how many grandson liao huh(pointing at me)"
@#$@%#$^@@^@ WTF
So ass o no wonder she herself 40 plus liao haven marry... LOL.. ><
Oh i am so bad~~~ but feel so shiok~~~
Saturday, May 17, 2008
HamsterHaha... left with 3 hamster because one jus die... At first i had two white hamster which i brough for 35 each, very exp because they are very rare... Both live together in one cage, they sleep beside each other everyday and LOOK so cute~~~ But when i return home one of the white one lying at one corner so i pick him up... But he never move at all? jus open the eye looking so inocent at me with a weak breathing... Knew he will die and sayang him and put him back to the cage to let both hamster acc each other for the last time... when i wake up next morning and take a look at the cage, the dying hamster is gone? Guess what? the second hamster use the bedding(stone) and cover that dead hamster... well... never tot hamster know how to "buried" its own mate... Now the second white hamster look so restless everyday, maybe his playing mate had gone... However, he look so happy when he saw me cause he know FOOD is on the way... However i had another two black hamster which had a different story... Let name them fatty and evil... When i start keeping them... both were brother so i put them in same cage... the evil one would 24hour bullying the fatty, at first i tot they were only playing... Until one day i realise the fatty is bleeding, so no chioce had to take the evil out and put in one small container... No one want to keep him so too bad, he had to face the four wall (small container) with no wheel for running... LOL... bad guy always come to bad end... HAHA...
While the fatty without evil bully become so fat due to good life... LOL... reali very fat... Run the wheel also run less than 10 sec... whahahaha... weak but fat hamster always look very cute... hehe... So anyone out there wan to keep evil? His "jail" term onli end when someone want to keep him... too bad...
The term break on week 9 and 10 is actually planned for going training at CPTC... Good news is we don need to go bacause we are going after our exam instead... two week of break finally... whahahahah...
Friday, May 16, 2008

Notice any funny thing going on for this parking? It is a malaysia car btw

This is what happen when some boring guy out that will do to your car

Summon number 1

Summon number 2

Summon number 3
Pro Parking
One of my primary school friend sent me these pic and i reali wonder where he took these pic? I had a feeling is from others blog cos i think i saw them be4... Anyway it was about some smart idiot parking his/her car in a very creative way...
Conclusion? Do TRAIN your parking well before park your car in singapore.
This month vesak day to me is not onli jus a holiday, it is our One and a half year ann... Time pass so fast and we had been walking together and holding each other hand for so long le... However... i still looking forward for our 2nd, 3rd years... etc...
I know i may not be perfect but thanks for holding on to my hand since 19th nov 2006... Muack
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Book and respectI always think that library is a very holy place(even i never go there often) where all sorf of knowledge are kept, and information(clean) available. What do i mean by clean information? Just compare the internet "information" and books and u will notice the different... If u can't spot the different? well... hmmm... haha.... i also cannot do anything...Just came across one of my lecturer blog and i am truely touch by what he had wrote about his respect toward books... Below is his "speech"(in brown color)... LOL... enjoy~~~
There are a few things I particularly hate that people do to books.1. When they want to pause, instead of using a bookmark of some kind, they spread the book and leave it face down the floor. This is especially bad with paperbacks. You immediately introduce that fold line on the spine.2. Writing in the books. Unless it is your own book, please refrain from doing that. Your handwritting probably looks bad and you are forcing others to see it.3. Folding the corners just to keep it bookmarked. This is one that I truly truly detest. When I see books with this done to them in the library, I will unfold them, even though I'm not borrowing the books.4. Stepping on the books.A book, no matter whether it is well written or not, represents the distillation of the writer's knowledge or imagination. Those people who are required to submit a final year project report or a thesis will know how much sweat and tears have to be expended in producing that book. Even if they never read the thesis again, they will still be very proud of their own product. And those who have never done their own reports will never have the privilege of feeling this way. The probably go through their lives not knowing what feeling proud means.A library is a place where all books are. When you step into a library, you get brought into a world where the collective knowledge is something you will never be able to comprehend in your whole life. Can you imagine the magnitude of it? So if you have to treat a book with respect, imagine the library.Alas, this is not the case. I have a friend who is teaching in another polytechnic and he told me that he hates to go into their library because the students are always so noisy. And this is the same in our library. I wonder why it never occurs to our library users that a when you go into a library you keep quiet. If you need to talk, you whisper and whisper is not the same as talking in a low voice incidentally.I was in our library doing some things on a Saturday and it was quite quiet at first. Then a couple came in. The guy remained quite quiet but the lady wouldn't stop talking. I hope he marries her. Then two girls came in, and well, they still thought they were in the canteen.An ex-student who is now studying in NUS once told me that the NUS library is so quiet. And my reply was, well, that's a place where civilised people go to. The implication is clear. One would feel insulted if I say that he is uncivilised wouldn't he? But can wer come to a different conclusion if his behaviour in our library clearly shows that?Try this, find a day and go into our library alone. The word is ALONE, then you won't have the pressure of having to conform to the behaviour of your friends. Walk to the different shelves and see what books you can find. Take any book with a title that sounds interesting enough. Read the Preface and see what the author says about why he wrote that book. And then ask yourself how much you know about what was written in the book. Then you will realise how little you know and how much more knowledgeable the library is compared to you. And then, maybe you will accord it with some respect.I am totally agree with him, didn't you? I had to admit that was a well written one.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Iron Man Just come back from movie, iron man = cool!!!But to be true, i perfer stainless steel man... LOL, cos can polish... Iron need to repaint..
Conclusion---> higher cost... whahahaha~~~
Lazy to write liao... haha... see ya~~~
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
3 people , 3 thingsA mother reads bedtime story for her 6 years old daughter every night. When she has finished with the story, her daughter will have to reflect on what has happened on that day and thank three persons and three things quietly in her heart before she sleeps.
One night, the daughter sat beside the piano and dazed for a long while. Thinking that she was sleepy, the mother nudged her to go to bed. She didn't reply, so the mother asked if she has said her thanks. She replied,"I have thanked granny for cutting my nail, the uncle for directing the traffic, my teacher for teaching me a new song, the sky for not raining today, the bus for arriving on time, but I am still short of one."The mother suggested,"Anything that makes you happy can be things that you feel grateful for."The daughter paused for a while and broke into a smile,"Yes, I remember! The jasmine you planted on our deck blooms today! It is so beautiful, so sweet and it fills up our house with its fragrance. I feel so happy looking at it."
That moment, the mother was clearly touched.In life, there are many people or things worthwhile for one to constantly feel thankful for and to be appreciative of.
If one knows how to do that, he will be happier because he knows. He knows that he possesses so much. He knows he has so much to offer. He knows when he looks around him, there is never a lack of people, things or events giving him the support and teaching him the meaning of life.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thats lifeEveryone in this world is different and of cos this apply to their taste, everysingle person have the food they like. This apply to me too... Still remember the first time i got to eat the yakun kaya bread, i would thought that it was jus happen yesterday. A small cup of graph A coffee with one or two perfectly toasted kaya bread would make the day. To me, yakun bread have the power to turn over my mood. Whenever i am unhappy, i always find myself at one of the yakun outlet having their coffee and kaya toast. Well... it can turn my bad mood to a better one. So guys, u know where to find me next time when i am unhappy.. Why am i saying that? Cos i had been finding myself in yakun almost everyday for week after school.. Partly is because i am very upset about certain thing and another half is they start selling a new type of bread and i think i was being hooked by the taste of the bread... Btw it has been confirm that during week 9 and 10 term break we are going to CPTC for training as the management decided to sell CPTC to other MMCs. After the term break would be our common test... sound "great" right???
These are the words meiyi find it useful for me to remember, GUY~~~ be my judge!!!
1.) Fine : This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2.) Five Minutes : If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour.Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) Nothing : This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4.) Go Ahead : This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!
5.) Loud Sigh : This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) That’s Okay : This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) Thanks : A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you’re welcome.
8.) Whatever : Is a women’s way of saying F@!K YOU!
9.) Don’t worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking “What’s wrong?” For the woman’s response refer to #3
Have fun reading it? See this is how woman use the word but however they meant differently... Sometime i reali wonder is woman ask for too much OR guy give too less??? Cos meiyi always use this 9 words on ME... -.-" very sad isn't it? but i personally feel that she love the 3th word alot... LOL...
These few weeks had been going to gym quietly cos ever since i came back from
malaysia, i had been gaining weight and SO SAD!!! Actually tml i work opening de, but this morning my dear luda suddenly said tml had a make-up lecture at
1pm... haiz... what to do??? change my shift to M3 lor... Hmmm... let me plan my day tml here... 9am ~ 11am go gym... go back home bath den 1pmgo to sch until 3pm, least 3.30pmgo work until 12am... Go back home sleep and get really for WED again... LOL... Sound cool isn't it??? Sometime i feel busy life suit me the best, easy and care-free life would onli destory me!!!